State Efforts to Standardize Marketplace Health Plans Show How the Biden Administration Could Improve Value and Reduce Disparities

The federal government is moving forward with standardized benefit designs via, following in the footsteps of several states. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, CHIR experts Justin Giovannelli, Rachel Schwab, and Kevin Lucia assess the experience of these states with standardized plans and draw lessons for federal officials.

State Public Option–Style Laws: What Policymakers Need to Know

In recent months, Washington, Colorado, and Nevada, have enacted public option-style laws aimed at containing costs and increasing access to health insurance coverage. In a new post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR experts Christine Monahan, Kevin Lucia, and Justin Giovannelli examine these efforts and their implications for federal and state policymakers.

June Research Roundup: What We’re Reading

For June’s monthly roundup of health policy research, Nia Gooding reviewed studies on ground ambulance rides and surprise medical bills, the ways health plan pricing mechanisms affect health disparities, and the impact of using auto-enrollment to achieve universal coverage.

Banning Surprise Bills: Biden Administration Issues First Rule On The No Surprises Act

When Congress enacted the “No Surprises Act” last year to ban unexpected out-of-network medical bills, it was left to the Biden administration to implement these historic consumer protections. CHIR’s Katie Keith, Jack Hoadley, and Kevin Lucia provide a detailed summary of the first round of federal rules flowing from this new law in their latest post for the Health Affairs blog.

“As if COVID-19 Did Not Exist”: Health Plans Prepare for 2022 in Early Rate Filings

Several states ask for – and publicly post – health insurers’ proposed 2022 premium rates in May and June. These early rate filings can provide hints about how insurers are responding to market trends, policy changes, and emerging drivers of health care costs. CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette took a deep dive into insurers’ actuarial memos to find out how they’re thinking about health care spending after COVID-19, the American Rescue Plan, and more.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.