Recent Federal Marketplace Proposal Imposes New Requirements for States and Consumers

On March 10, 2025, the Trump administration released draft rules with policy changes for the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces and insurance rules. In their latest Expert Perspective for the State Health & Value Strategies program, Sabrina Corlette and Jason Levitis review the implications of the proposal for State-Based Marketplaces and state insurance regulators.
February Research Roundup: What We’re Reading
Policymakers Can Protect Against Fraud in the ACA Marketplaces Without Hiking Premiums

Last year, reports emerged of unscrupulous health insurance brokers enrolling people in marketplace coverage or switching enrollees to different plans without permission. In their latest piece for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR’s Justin Giovannelli and Stacey Pogue explore how policymakers can crack down on broker misconduct.
State Spotlight: New Massachusetts Law Enhances Oversight of Private Equity in Health Care

Massachusetts recently enacted a law to increase transparency and oversight of private equity in healthcare following the collapse of Steward Health Care. CHIR experts Stacey Pogue and Kennah Watts break down the law and how it serves as a potential model for other states facing similar challenges with healthcare corporatization.
Coverage Matters: Enduring and Recent Evidence

As the federal budget reconciliation process heats up, Congressional committees will soon be drafting legislation that spells out the program cuts Congress will need to offset the cost of extending existing tax cuts. CHIR’s Karen Davenport discusses the growing body of research around the important role health insurance plays in the health and financial status of American families.
Bringing Balance to the Market: A Roadmap for Improving Health Insurance Affordability Through Rate Review

High and rising healthcare costs in the U.S. are driven largely by escalating hospital prices, fueled by increasing consolidation among health systems. In a recent Issue Brief for the Milbank Memorial Fund, Sabrina Corlette and Karen Davenport discuss what states can do to enhance premium rate review programs, to ultimately curb provider price increases.
Protecting Access to Preventive Services: A State Roadmap

A case before the Supreme Court and a new Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services could substantially weaken the ACA’s guarantee of no-cost preventive services in private insurance. Experts Sabrina Corlette and Tara Straw provide a roadmap for state policymakers to protect their residents, in a recent article for State Health and Value Strategies.
Bipartisan Reports Indicate It’s Time to Take Action Against Private Equity in Health Care

Private equity is not new to the health care sector, but recent growth in private equity investment has sparked a plethora of research studies, media attention, and political attention. A recent Congressional investigation and agency report, on top of continuing research indicate the time for policymakers to take action against private equity in health care is now.
Final 2026 Notice of Benefit & Payment Parameters: Marketplace Standards And Insurance Reforms

The Notice of Benefit & Payment Parameters prescribes standards and rules that govern insurers and Marketplaces under the ACA. This annual regulation, that went into effect January 15, represents a final set of health insurance policies from the Biden administration focusing on quality and affordability. In their latest piece for Health Affairs Forefront, Sabrina Corlette and Jason Levitis discuss this final rule and what it means.