Tag: market reforms

The Affordable Care Act’s Early Renewal Loophole: What’s at Stake and What States Are Doing to Close It

The Affordable Care Act includes sweeping insurance reforms to improve the affordability and adequacy of coverage. However, some insurers have begun encouraging their customers to renew their coverage ahead of schedule in order to delay implementing these reforms for up to 12 months. In a post that originally appeared on the Commonwealth Fund blog, Christine Monahan and Sabrina Corlette describe how insurers are taking advantage of a loophole in the law and summarize states’ efforts to prohibit or limit the practice.

New Report on State Implementation of Essential Health Benefit Standard

As part of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded project to monitor implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 11 states, Georgetown’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms and the Urban Institute have published a series of papers identifying key issues and challenges. Their most recent brief examines the development and review of health plans that meet the new essential health benefit standard. Sabrina Corlette provides us with some key takeaways.

Rate Review 2.0: The Next Generation

Last week the Administration released its final rule implementing the ACA's insurance market reforms. Many of these provisions have generated deserved attention for the important protections they'll bring to consumers. Getting less attention, but just as important, are the rule's rate review provisions. Sabrina Corlette takes a look.

Health Reform at Work: Lower Rates in New York State

Next year’s premiums for individual market plans will be way down in New York thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Christine Monahan discusses how a competitive exchange and the individual mandate will provide relief to cash-strapped New Yorkers.

ACA Reforms Free Up Entrepreneurs to Focus on Their Business

Entrepreneurs with dreams of venturing out to start their own business must now navigate a “wild west” of inadequate and unaffordable insurance options. But the Affordable Care Act’s reforms will change that for entrepreneurs like Joe and Virginia Murphy. JoAnn Volk tells their story.

The ACA: Improving Incentives for Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment

Before the ACA, many people were hesitant to launch their own business because they feared losing their employer-sponsored coverage, a phenomenon called “job lock.” Sabrina Corlette discusses a new Georgetown-Urban Institute report projects that the ACA’s insurance reforms will lead as many as 1.5 million more Americans to become self-employed.

News from the Feds: Latest Round of FAQs on ACA Implementation

In the last few days the federal government has released new guidance for insurance companies relating to the new health insurance marketplaces and the market-wide insurance reforms under the Affordable Care Act. Sabrina Corlette gives us a run down.

Beware the Latest Loophole

As significant an impact as the Affordable Care Act will have on the U.S. health insurance market, there remain a number of ways health insurance carriers and other stakeholders may avoid or delay the law’s reforms. Christine Monahan discusses a new loophole gaining attention at the state level that would allow health insurance carriers to delay compliance with the ACA’s 2014 market reforms for a year.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.