The Commonwealth Fund, in collaboration with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW), presented its one-hour webinar on the Affordable care Act’s Small Business Health Options Program, known as SHOP. Moderated by Sara Collins of The Commonwealth Fund, CHIR’s Sarah Dash and Kevin Lucia joined John Arensmeyer of the Small Business Majority, Mila Kofman of the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority, and Dean Mohs of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a lively panel discussion on the state-by-state implementation of the SHOP, followed by an informative online question-and-answer session.
The panel of experts provided an update on the status of the federally run and state-run small business Marketplaces, along with small business perspectives on the roll out. Lucia covered critical design decisions in state-based Marketplaces that states have made to operationalize the SHOPs. Dash took a deeper dive into CHIR’s research findings and provided a detailed explanation of considerations for success of the SHOP market. The panelists then shared their experience and expertise by answering a number of questions regarding the application of these findings. You can access the full webinar here.