Figuring out if COBRA Coverage is Right for You

By the end of May, employers must notify eligible employees and former employees about the COBRA subsidies under the American Rescue Plan. Many of these folks may also be eligible for enhanced premium tax credits through the Affordable Care Act. CHIR’s Maanasa Kona walks through the different coverage options available.
Out of the Fire and Back in Federal Court: This Mother’s Day, Another Challenge to the ACA Puts Access to Preventive Services at Risk

This Mother’s Day, CHIR’s Rachel Schwab and Nia Gooding assessed the potential impact of a new legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for women. Judge Reed O’Connor has recently allowed a challenge to the ACA’s preventive services coverage provision to move forward in a U.S. district court. Invalidating this provision could jeopardize access to a broad set of preventive services for millions of women.
The Final 2022 Notice of Benefit & Payment Parameters: Implications for States

In its first major rulemaking related to the Affordable Care Act, the Biden administration published the final 2022 “Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters” on April 30. Sabrina Corlette reviews the rule and its implications for state insurance regulation and the health insurance marketplaces in her latest “Expert Perspective” for the State Health & Value Strategies project.
April Research Roundup: What We’re Reading

April’s latest health policy research is provided by CHIR’s Nia Gooding in our monthly roundup. She reviews studies on demographic characteristics of the people who fall into the ACA family glitch, trends in contraceptive use among women enrolled in high-deductible health plans after the passage of the ACA, and state policy considerations given the American Rescue Plan’s premium tax credit expansions.
States Attempt to Rein in Rising Health Care Costs: Is a Self-Regulating Industry Enough?

Colorado lawmakers recently announced that hospital and health plans had agreed to remain “neutral” on the state’s proposal for a public option plan. That’s in part because Colorado is hoping the industry will voluntarily achieve spending reductions, without state intervention. CHIR’s Megan Houston assesses how that approach is working in other states that have tried it.
Opponents of Fixing the Family Glitch Reveal their Fundamental Misunderstanding

The “family glitch,” a loophole in federal rules, bars millions of people from subsidized coverage because they have access to a family member’s employer-sponsored coverage The glitch is easy to fix, through either regulation or legislation. CHIR exposes that a paper released this week claiming a fix is illegal and harmful is based on a faulty presumption.
Are Surprise Billing Payments Likely to Lead to Inflation in Health Spending?

Under the No Surprises Act, enacted in December of 2020, federal regulators face a balancing act as they develop a mechanism for determining payments to out-of-network providers for covered services. The law also provides for deference to state mechanisms, where they exist. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR’s Jack Hoadley and Kevin Lucia assess the implications for provider payment as well as long term impacts on health care spending.
ACA “Family Glitch” Increases Health Care Costs for Millions of Low- and Middle-Income Families

The family glitch bars millions of people from accessing reduced premiums and cost-sharing through the marketplaces because a family member has an offer of employer coverage. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund To the Point blog, Christina Goe and CHIR’s Dania Palanker delve into the costs of the family glitch to low- and middle-income families.
State-Based Marketplaces Gear Up to Implement the American Rescue Plan

The state-based health insurance marketplaces are taking varied approaches to implementing the enhanced premium tax credits provided under the American Rescue Plan. CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette and Rachel Schwab review these states’ decisions and their impact on when and how consumers will access health plans with more affordable premiums.