Get Ready for the Rulemaking!

The election results mean full steam ahead with implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The ultimate success of the law will hinge on decisions yet to be made by the federal agencies and the states. Sabrina Corlette blogs about the flurry of regulations and guidance we can expect in the coming days and weeks.
The Medical Loss Ratio Rule – Report Highlights Savings for Consumers
The Results are In: Now What?

With the fundamental direction of health policy in our country on the line, Americans across the country have been waiting with baited breath for Election Day. But those who were hoping for an end to all the prognostication and crystal ball-gazing might not yet get their wish. Sarah Dash provides a look at what the election results mean for the future of the Affordable Care Act.
Leadership and Staffing Changes at CCIIO

As HHS races against some incredibly tight deadlines between now and January 1, 2014, we've noted a staff shake-up at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) following the return of Gary Cohen as the Center's new director. Sabrina Corlette summarizes these staffing changes.
CHIR Proud to Welcome New Faculty Member, Sarah Dash
State of the States: California and Colorado Identify EHB Benchmark Plans

Last week, California became the second state in the nation to pass legislation adopting its essential health benefits benchmark plan while Colorado became the eighth state to publically recommend a benchmark plan. Max Levin summarizes these developments and provides an update on state implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s essential health benefits requirements.
Revisiting CHIR's Across State Lines Report Post-Debate

The Affordable Care Act played a prominent role in last night’s presidential debate and those that watched the debate closely heard President Obama reference Governor Romney's plan to allow insurers to sell health insurance across state lines. Sabrina Corlette revisits our most recent study in light of presidential politics.
The Impact of Laws to Allow Cross-State Sales of Health Insurance: Few Benefits, Potential Risks for Consumers

Although proposals to allow the sale of health insurance across state lines are believed to help consumers access more affordable insurance options, these proposals have rarely been studied. To better understand how these proposals work and whether they are delivering on their promises, CHIR researchers examined across state lines laws in six states – Sabrina Corlette summarizes our findings from an issue brief released today.