Market Reforms Roundup: New Report on State Action on 2014 Market Reforms

In our most recent issue brief for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers studied the progress states have made to date in implementing the 2014 market reforms and found that most states have yet to move forward with changes they need. Katie Keith discusses the actions that states have taken so far and what our findings mean for federal and state regulators as they implement the Affordable Care Act.

Multi-State Plan Program Final Rule: OPM's Balancing Act

The Office of Personnel Management recently issued a final rule on the multi-state plan program in which it attempts to standardize contracting processes and state rules to, in theory, make it easier for insurers to enter new markets while limiting the extent to which multi-state plan issuers can bypass state consumer protections and preserving a level playing field in exchanges. Christine Monahan discusses how OPM has attempted to balance these competing pressures and discusses where multi-state plans may or may not have flexibility.

The “How To” Guide to the Federally Facilitated Exchange

Last week CMS released a set of instructions to insurance companies seeking to sell plans in the federally facilitated exchanges. Sabrina Corlette took a look at some of the details and provides some of the plan management highlights.

Diving in on HHS' Recent FAQs on Preventive Services

HHS recently issued a new set of frequently asked questions designed to address some issues that have been raised by the coverage of preventive services under the Affordable Care Act. Kevin Lucia takes a look at the guidance in the context of screening colonoscopy and discusses how it adds up in light of a recent CHIR report that explored how private insurers are applying cost-sharing for colorectal cancer screening.

Will New Laws in States with Federally Run Health Insurance Marketplaces Hinder Outreach?

Although the federal government will play a primary role in administering the navigator program in the 33 states with a federally facilitated exchange, many state legislatures have enacted or considered legislation that subjects navigators to state requirements. In a post that originally appeared on The Commonwealth Fund Blog, Katie Keith, Kevin Lucia, and Christine Monahan describe the role of navigators and well as the potentially detrimental impact of this recent state legislative activity on effective consumer outreach.

An Unfortunate Decision on Student Health Plan Coverage

The Administration says it wants young and healthy people to enroll in the new health insurance exchanges. Why then did they just shut a lot of young and healthy people out? Sabrina Corlette examines yesterday’s decision to effectively bar students enrolled in self-funded college or university health plans from the exchanges.

Arming Navigators for the Millions of Enrollees Headed Their Way

With the fast approach to open enrollment for the new health insurance marketplaces, there is growing interest in navigators and other assisters who will help people learn about their coverage options and get enrolled. JoAnn Volk explains how CHIR will be adding to the private insurance knowledge and support for navigators and assisters with a quick reference guide on private health insurance and the reforms of the ACA.

100 Days to “Launch”: What a Formerly Controversial Health Program Can Teach Us

On Sunday, June 23, there will be 100 days before the launch of the new insurance exchanges under the ACA. A new report by Georgetown’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms and colleagues at the Health Policy Institute draws lessons from the recent launch of the Medicare prescription drug program to put the challenges facing the ACA roll out into context.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.