Navigator Guide FAQs of the Week: Comparing Plans

The deadline to sign up for Marketplace coverage that begins January 1 is fast approaching. This week, we’re spotlighting frequently asked questions (FAQs) from our Navigator Resource Guide about how to compare benefits and out-of-pocket costs across Marketplace plans.

In An Era Of Premium And Provider Price Increases, State Employee Health Plans Target Key Cost Drivers

It’s open enrollment season for many employer health plans, and the rising cost of care may increase workers’ premiums and out-of-pocket expenditures. Recently, CHIR surveyed state employee health plans (SEHP) to identify challenges and opportunities for controlling health care costs. In a new post for Health Affairs Forefront, Sabrina Corlette and Karen Davenport discuss the survey findings and how SEHP strategies can inform broader cost containment efforts.

The Impact of Unions on Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

In just the first eight months of 2023, over 323,000 workers engaged in a labor action against their employers. Unions have been demanding better wages, protections, and benefits—including better health plans. CHIR’s Maanasa Kona takes a look at the role of unions in securing affordable health coverage for workers, including the innovative strategies they’ve used to reduce the unsustainable growth in health system costs.

October Research Roundup: What We’re Reading

In preparation for Health Policy Halloween, CHIR read up on the latest health policy research. In October, we read studies on consumer experiences enrolling in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace, health care affordability issues among the insured and uninsured, and the impact of Medicaid expansion on coverage in heavily redlined areas.

Navigator Guide FAQs of the Week: Who is Eligible for Marketplace Coverage?

November 1 marked the first day of the Marketplace Open Enrollment Period in most states. CHIR recently updated its Navigator Resource Guide, and we’ll be highlighting frequently asked questions (FAQs) from the Navigator Guide throughout the annual enrollment window. This week, we’re taking a look at who is eligible for Marketplace plans.

Facility Fees 101: What is all the Fuss About?

Consumers are facing higher out-of-pocket costs when they receive outpatient care due to hospital “facility fees.” In a post for Health Affairs Forefront, Linda Blumberg and Christine Monahan provide a primer on facility fees, including the trend of hospital consolidation driving these fees and federal policy options to protect consumers from rising costs in outpatient settings.

New Federal Rules Seek To Strengthen Mental Health Parity

The comment period recently ended for the Biden administration’s proposed a rule to bolster enforcement of federal mental health parity requirements and improve access to crucial services. In a post for Health Affairs Forefront, Maanasa Kona explains what’s in the proposed rule.

State Health Equity Initiatives Confront Decades of Racism in the Insurance Industry

As another Marketplace Open Enrollment Period begins, millions of Americans will turn to insurance brokers to guide them to affordable and comprehensive health insurance. In a new post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR’s Jalisa Clark and Christine Monahan look into the underrepresentation of people of color in the broker profession and the clients they serve, including the historical origins of these racial disparities and how the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces are intervening.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.