New to the Affordable Care Act, or Need a Refresher? ACA 101 Briefing Has What You Need to Know

Last week the Alliance for Health Reform convened a panel of experts, including CHIR’s own Sabrina Corlette, to provide Hill and federal agency staff and others an ACA 101 briefing. Designed for people new to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as those just in need of a review, the program covered all the basics.

Attendees who braved the ice and snow heard Jennifer Tolbert of the Kaiser Family Foundation provide a broad overview of the ACA, Sabrina Corlette discuss the private market reforms, individual mandate, exchanges, financial assistance and King v. Burwell, Paul Fronstin of the Employee Benefit Research Institute describe the provisions affecting employers, and Diane Rowland of the Kaiser Family Foundation go over the law’s provisions affecting Medicaid and CHIP.

The briefing and the lively Q&A that followed were aired live on C-SPAN and can be viewed here, and slide decks and other background materials can be found on the Alliance for Health Reform’s website.

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