CHIR Wishes Sally McCarty Well in Retirement

This week CHIR wishes a fond farewell to our colleague Sally McCarty, a nationally respected expert on health insurance. Sally is retiring from university life, packing up and moving to California with her family. She came to CHIR in 2012 after serving as Director of Rate Review in the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO), where she wrote the regulation implementing the rate review provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Sally’s had a long career as a state regulator, serving in the Indiana Department of Insurance. In 1997 the Governor appointed her as Indiana’s Insurance Commissioner, and she led the department for 7 years. She is also a tireless advocate for consumers and patients. After leaving state service, she worked as a consumer advocate for the National Hemophilia Foundation.

At CHIR Sally led our work for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health Reform Assistance Network, providing technical assistance and policy support to state departments of insurance as they implemented key provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

The faculty and staff at CHIR will miss Sally’s deep insurance expertise, her savvy understanding of the markets, and her passion on behalf of the most vulnerable consumers. We wish her the very best in this exciting new phase of her life – and hope she’ll let us visit her in her new sunny southern California locale!

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