Category: Health reform

Coronavirus Exposes Big Gaps in the U.S. System Of Coverage: What Can States Do to Help?

The cost of medical care associated with the novel coronavirus can be a barrier for many people who should get tested, raising a public health risk. Given our patchwork quilt system of health insurance coverage and the lack of a timely and comprehensive federal response, CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette and Kevin Lucia consider actions states can take to encourage people to get the care they need.

How States Are Using Independent Dispute Resolution to Resolve Out-of-Network Payments in Surprise Billing

As Congress and a number of states craft legislation to protect consumers from surprise out-of-network billing, a critical issue is resolving how insurers will pay out-of-network providers for their services. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, CHIR’s Jack Hoadley and Maanasa Kona assess the experience of states that use an independent dispute resolution process to determine these payments.

Addressing Surprise Billing by Setting Payment Standards for Out-of-Network Providers

The thorniest issue in pending legislation to protect consumers from surprise medical billing is how to resolve disputes between payers and providers over appropriate payment. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, CHIR experts Maanasa Kona, Jack Hoadley, and Katie Keith examine the seven states that have adopted a payment standard for out-of-network bills.

Update on Federal Surprise Billing Legislation: New Bills Contain Key Differences

Congressional leaders are racing to meet a self-imposed May deadline for passing legislation to protect consumers from surprise medical billing. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, Jack Hoadley, Beth Fuchs, and Kevin Lucia identify key similarities and differences among competing proposals, and provide a comprehensive side-by-side guide to the key committee bills.

A Mixed Bag for States: The Proposed 2021 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters

The Trump administration’s proposed rule governing the Affordable Care Act insurance markets for 2021 has been published, and comments are due from the public by March 2, 2020. In her latest article for the State Health & Value Strategies program, CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette provides a detailed overview of changes proposed in the rule, with a focus on the implications for state departments of insurance and the health insurance marketplaces.

5th Circuit Decision in Texas v. U.S. Prolongs Uncertainty for Health Care Consumers, Markets

Perhaps knowing their decision would sow consumer confusion and market uncertainty, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals delayed its decision in the Texas v. U.S. litigation until after the close of open enrollment for Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance coverage. CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette delves into the consequences of the long-awaited December 18, 2019 decision.

New Georgetown CHIR Report Finds Ability of Insurers, Employers to Respond to Provider Consolidation is Limited

A new Georgetown CHIR report synthesizing the case studies of 6 health care markets finds that insurers and employer-purchasers have limited tools and incentives to effectively counter the market clout of increasingly consolidated provider systems. With a lack of market-based solutions, the report raises questions about whether and what policy interventions might be needed.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.