Tag: state-based marketplace
States Innovation Waivers under the ACA: A Closer Look at the Updated Federal Guidance and State Proposals

Beginning in 2017, states can pursue “innovation waivers” under section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act. These waivers allow states to pursue broad alternatives or targeted fixes to the ACA. In their latest blog post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers Kevin Lucia, Justin Giovannelli, Sean Miskell and Ashley Williams examine the waiver applications that have been submitted so far, as well as activity in states considering a waiver.
2016 Insurer Participation Remains Stable in State-Based Marketplaces

In the wake of the high-profile closures and departures of some health plans from the individual market, a close analysis of plan participation in the state-based marketplaces demonstrates that consumer choices remain relatively stable. In CHIR’s latest blog post for the Commonwealth Fund, Emily Curran, Justin Giovannelli and Kevin Lucia assess insurers’ participation in the state-run marketplaces and the policy levers in place to help foster competition.
State Efforts to Reduce Consumers’ Cost-Sharing for Prescription Drugs

High drug prices have been in the news lately, and consumers are bearing an ever-greater burden of those drug prices through health plan cost-sharing. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers Sabrina Corlette, Ashley Williams and Justin Giovannelli analyze state policies to try to protect consumers from high drug costs.
Shop to Renew During Open Enrollment

While many consumers with marketplace coverage will be eligible for automatic renewal, there are many reasons for all consumers to shop to renew this year. For example, price changes to health plans as well as changes to the health plans themselves will impact the amount of premium tax credits and coverage for many consumers. We go over the reasons why all consumers should shop to renew this open enrollment.
Why ACA Marketplaces Should Report Comprehensive Enrollment Data

The Affordable Care Act’s new health insurance marketplaces could be critical sources of data about how people access and use coverage. Yet, to date, the marketplaces have released varying degrees of information, with little uniformity or consensus over what data should be collected and how. In our latest post for The Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers Sean Miskell, Justin Giovannelli and Kevin Lucia examine data collection and reporting by the health insurance marketplaces.
New Report: The Experience of Six State-Based Marketplaces with First Year Renewals

A new report from CHIR researchers Sandy Ahn, Jack Hoadley and Sabrina Corlette revisits six state-based marketplaces that took varying approaches to renewing enrollees into 2015 coverage. The report examines how their different approaches affected enrollment and the consumer experience, and shares lessons learned for the next round of marketplace renewals.
The Latest on Special Enrollment Periods: An Assessment of State Approaches in 2014 and Update for 2015

Special enrollment is available to individuals who experience qualifying events allowing them to enroll into marketplace coverage. A new issue brief co-authored by CHIR’s Sandy Ahn and Kevin Lucia, along with authors from the Urban Institute, found that special enrollment systems and procedures were still a work in progress in five state-based marketplaces last year. Sandy and Kevin also discuss additional SEPs available this year.
The Affordable Care Act’s Requirements for Quality Improvement in the Health Insurance Marketplaces: What Recent Federal Action Tells Us

The Affordable Care Act sets out several requirements for the health insurance marketplaces to encourage insurers to improve quality and deliver better value coverage. Implementation of these provisions has been slowed by the focus on other, more urgent operational priorities, but recent federal rules put plans on notice that quality improvement standards, reporting requirements, and rankings are soon coming their way. Sabrina Corlette has this overview.
Renewing Coverage under the ACA: Challenges and Opportunities for Federally Facilitated and State-based Marketplaces

December 15th marks the last day by which health insurance marketplace enrollees can actively renew their plans for January 1st start dates. If they take no action, many will be auto-renewed. In a new report, CHIR experts Sabrina Corlette, Jack Hoadley and Sandy Ahn examine the renewal process and share their findings in CHIR’s latest web video.