Tag: Medicaid unwinding

What States Are Doing to Keep People Covered as Medicaid Continuous Coverage Enrollment Unwinds

Several state-based Marketplaces have deployed innovative programs to keep people covered during the Medicaid unwinding. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR’s Rachel Swindle and Sabrina Corlette assess the status of these programs and discuss the urgent need for more timely and accurate data on people transitioning from Medicaid to other forms of coverage.

What’s New for 2024 Marketplace Enrollment?

The annual open enrollment period for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace coverage kicks off November 1 in most states. A number of new and ongoing policy changes will impact the Marketplace in 2024, including special enrollment opportunities tied to the Medicaid “unwinding,” continuing enhanced financial assistance, and administrative flexibilities designed to reduce barriers to enrollment. CHIR’s Emma Walsh-Alker summarizes these and other recent policies that consumers may encounter this year.

The Perfect Storm: Misleading Marketing of Limited Benefit Products Continues as Millions Losing Medicaid Search for New Coverage

A massive coverage transition is underway for millions of people who have relied on Medicaid throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. After a three-year pause, states have begun disenrolling residents from Medicaid, leaving millions of people in need of new coverage. A secret shopper study conducted in June 2023 suggests that people losing Medicaid are facing aggressive marketing of limited benefit products.

The State of State Protections: Maintaining Access to Services after Transitioning from Medicaid

As states resume conducting Medicaid and CHIP re-determinations of eligibility, the U.S. faces the most dramatic shift in coverage since implementation of the Affordable Care Act. As millions of people transition from Medicaid to private insurance coverage, they could experience disruptions in critical health care services. In their latest post for the Commonwealth Fund, Sabrina Corlette and Maanasa Kona review state-level continuity of care protections and actions states can take to preserve access to life-saving services for our most medically vulnerable.

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