Tag: Florida

Florida’s Changes to Rate Review: Heading Backward?

Of the many consumer protection tools available to health insurance regulators, one of the most powerful is the ability to review premium rates. Yet, some states have made recent decisions to abdicate this authority to federal regulators. Sally McCarty discusses recently enacted legislation in Florida that suspends the state’s rate review requirements – and what it means for insurers, regulators, and consumers.

New Report Adds Insights to Debate on Whether Florida Should Exercise Medicaid Option

Our colleagues at the Center for Children and Families are out with a new report analyzing the impact that Medicaid expansion would have in Florida. They found that 800,000 to 1.3 million uninsured Floridians would gain health coverage with no net cost to the state and potential state savings as high as $100 million per year. Joan Alker has more about the report and what it could mean for Floridians.

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