Tag: family glitch

Implementing the Family Glitch Fix on the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplaces

A record number of people have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces. This historic enrollment coincides with a new rule that fixes the “family glitch,” a former policy that blocked over 5 million people from accessing marketplace subsidies. In a post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, CHIR experts highlight the variety of activities undertaken by the ACA’s marketplaces to implement the family glitch fix.

Navigator Guide FAQs of the Week: Family Glitch Fix

Open Enrollment for 2023 is in full swing, and our recently updated Navigator Guide has hundreds of FAQs that are likely top of mind for consumers and those assisting them. This week, CHIR’s Kristen Ukeomah highlights FAQs regarding the recent fix to the “family glitch.”

What’s New for 2023 Marketplace Enrollment?

The annual open enrollment period for Marketplace coverage is right around the corner, running from November 1 through January 15 in most states. There are many new policies impacting the Marketplace in 2023, including an extension of enhanced financial assistance through the Inflation Reduction Act; a federal fix to the “family glitch” that will create more affordable coverage opportunities for families; and tools to make shopping for a Marketplace plan more consumer-friendly. CHIR’s Emma Walsh-Alker summarizes these and other recent policy changes that consumers may encounter this year.

Fixing the Family Glitch: Federal Rules Aim to Improve Coverage Affordability for Working Families

Roughly 5 million people are currently unable to access marketplace subsidies due to a flawed interpretation of the Affordable Care Act dubbed the “family glitch.” Last month, the Biden administration proposed new rules, grounded in a revised interpretation of the law, which would increase access to affordable coverage for families of low and moderate-income workers. Karen Davenport looks at the proposed regulatory fix and how it will impact consumers and other health insurance stakeholders.

Fixing the Family Glitch and Other Priorities: The Next Wave of Federal Administrative Action to Enhance the Affordable Care Act

The federal government has taken a series of actions to strengthen the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid, and the Biden administration has announced its intent to do more in this arena. Stakeholders have aided federal policy efforts by suggesting administrative options for increasing access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance and promoting health equity. In her latest post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, Georgetown’s Katie Keith identifies thirteen high-priority administrative policies to strengthen the ACA and Medicaid and evaluates their current status.

The Affordable Care Act in the Biden Era: Identifying Federal Priorities for Administrative Action

The Biden administration has pledged to use its executive authority to build on and improve the Affordable Care Act. In a new issue brief for the Commonwealth Fund, Katie Keith analyzes recommendations to the Biden–Harris presidential transition team made by patient and consumer advocates, health insurers, hospitals, physicians, state marketplace officials, and state insurance commissioners to identify high-priority policy changes.

April Research Roundup: What We’re Reading

April’s latest health policy research is provided by CHIR’s Nia Gooding in our monthly roundup. She reviews studies on demographic characteristics of the people who fall into the ACA family glitch, trends in contraceptive use among women enrolled in high-deductible health plans after the passage of the ACA, and state policy considerations given the American Rescue Plan’s premium tax credit expansions.

Opponents of Fixing the Family Glitch Reveal their Fundamental Misunderstanding

The “family glitch,” a loophole in federal rules, bars millions of people from subsidized coverage because they have access to a family member’s employer-sponsored coverage The glitch is easy to fix, through either regulation or legislation. CHIR exposes that a paper released this week claiming a fix is illegal and harmful is based on a faulty presumption.

Federal Policy Priorities for Preserving and Improving Access to Coverage: Perspectives from State-Based Marketplaces

The Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces provide a critical source of coverage and financial assistance. Federal actions under the Trump administration undermined the marketplaces, but the new administration and Congress have opportunities to implement and advocate for policies that strengthen state-based marketplaces (SBMs). In a new issue brief for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR experts assessed how federal policy decisions have impacted SBMs and the consumers they serve by interviewing directors and officials from 17 marketplaces.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.