Tag: contraceptive coverage

Proposed Rules on the ACA’s Frequently Litigated “Birth Control Mandate” Aim to Close Gaps in Coverage

Last month, the Biden administration proposed new rules to restore access to free contraceptive services under the Affordable Care Act. In the wake of severely restricted access to reproductive health care, the stakes of the Biden administration’s proposals are high. With comments due on April 3, CHIR’s Rachel Schwab provides an overview of the Biden administration’s proposals and key considerations for consumers’ access to contraceptive services.

The ACA’s Preventive Services Benefit Is in Jeopardy: What Can States Do to Preserve Access?

A federal judge is poised to gut one of the most popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) preventive services requirement, potentially cutting off millions of peoples’ access to crucial care such as flu shots and cancer screenings. In a post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers look at states that have codified the ACA’s preventive service requirement, identifying gaps and opportunities to bolster state-level protections.

From Cancer Screenings to Prenatal Care, the Latest Challenge to the Affordable Care Act Threatens Availability of Free Preventive Services

The ACA requires that most insurers and employers cover a set of preventive health services at no cost to enrollees. Estimates suggest that more than 150 million people have access to over 100 services such as cancer screenings, contraception, and vaccines without any out-of-pocket costs. A case pending in federal court threatens to cut off consumers’ access by allowing insurers to impose cost-sharing on these services or, in some cases, cease covering them altogether. CHIR’s Rachel Schwab takes a look at some of the currently free services in jeopardy.

Out of the Fire and Back in Federal Court: This Mother’s Day, Another Challenge to the ACA Puts Access to Preventive Services at Risk

This Mother’s Day, CHIR’s Rachel Schwab and Nia Gooding assessed the potential impact of a new legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for women. Judge Reed O’Connor has recently allowed a challenge to the ACA’s preventive services coverage provision to move forward in a U.S. district court. Invalidating this provision could jeopardize access to a broad set of preventive services for millions of women. 

April Research Roundup: What We’re Reading

April’s latest health policy research is provided by CHIR’s Nia Gooding in our monthly roundup. She reviews studies on demographic characteristics of the people who fall into the ACA family glitch, trends in contraceptive use among women enrolled in high-deductible health plans after the passage of the ACA, and state policy considerations given the American Rescue Plan’s premium tax credit expansions.

A Mother’s Day Gift Basket from Congress and the Trump Administration

This Mother’s Day, both Congress and the Trump administration have put together a special gift basket of policies that continue to threaten access to health care for women, mothers, and families everywhere. From federal funding cuts to weaker benefit requirements, CHIR’s Rachel Schwab and Dania Palanker unwrap the presents and assess their potential impact on coverage.

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