Swimming against the Tide: Policies in State-Based Marketplace States Help Counter Negative Trends in Uninsurance Rates

The latest U.S. Census data show the uninsured rate for nonelderly adults is rising,  including among middle- and higher-income people who do not qualify for Affordable Care Act premium subsidies. Such an increase is partly attributable to policies implemented by the Trump administration to undermine the ACA. CHIR’s Olivia Hoppe explains that when it comes to individual market enrollment, however, national numbers mask significant differences in state-to-state performance.

Federal Flexibility Grants Highlight State Priorities for Market Stability

Last month, the Department of Health & Human Services awarded $8.6 million in grants to 30 states and the District of Columbia to provide additional support to implement certain ACA market reforms, including guaranteed issue, guaranteed renewal, and the Essential Health Benefits. CHIR’s Rachel Schwab took a look at how states plan to use the federal funding, and what tops the list of state market stabilization and consumer protection priorities.

New Funding Opportunity Allows States to Bolster Consumer Protections

On February 5th, the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) put out a Notice of Funding Opportunity. The federal agency anticipates that $8.1 million is available for state initiatives focused on insurers’ compliance with federal market reforms and consumer protections, giving states the opportunity to improve their oversight efforts. With the February 26th deadline for letters of intent just around the corner, CHIR’s Rachel Schwab provides an overview of the new grant program.

New Network Adequacy Rules: Less Federal Oversight, More Deference to States

In a soon to be finalized “market stabilization” rule, the Trump Administration has proposed a new approach to the oversight of health plan network adequacy. Sabrina Corlette reviews the administration’s revised stance and what it could mean for state-level enforcement, and for the consumers enrolled in marketplace plans.

First Compliance Review Focused on Policies and Procedures, but a Better Approach Exists to Assess Health Plan Compliance

The administration recently published the results of its compliance review of health plans participating in federally facilitated marketplaces. The review, however, focused more on process, such as whether plans have the appropriate policies and procedures in place. While this information is somewhat helpful, CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette and Sandy Ahn discuss why these types of compliance reviews fall short of helping regulators assess whether plans are meeting the ACA’s patient protection standards.

Big Data and Baby Steps: Two Very Different Approaches to Data Collection

Most Americans see the need for more data about health insurance and how it’s working for consumers, and the insurance industry itself seems to recognize the importance of collecting and analyzing data. But it’s not clear that our government regulators do. JoAnn Volk looks at the mismatch between what insurers are undertaking and what federal rules will require for data collection.

New Healthcare.Gov Screener Tool Needs Fixes to Avoid Confusing Consumers

Now that open enrollment into the new health insurance marketplaces is over, the only way people can enroll in marketplace coverage is by qualifying for a special enrollment period because of a life change such as a birth, marriage, a move, or a divorce. Healthcare.gov recently made available a new “screener tool” to help consumers determine whether they qualify. CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette took the new tool for a test drive and has a few suggested improvements.

Policy Cancellations – Another Tempest in a Teapot?

One of the latest ACA story lines involves people with individual health insurance policies receiving policy cancellation notices. Sabrina Corlette and Kevin Lucia dissect this emerging issue – as well as the protections and new coverage options available.

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