Tag: affordable care act
New Report: The Experience of Six State-Based Marketplaces with First Year Renewals

A new report from CHIR researchers Sandy Ahn, Jack Hoadley and Sabrina Corlette revisits six state-based marketplaces that took varying approaches to renewing enrollees into 2015 coverage. The report examines how their different approaches affected enrollment and the consumer experience, and shares lessons learned for the next round of marketplace renewals.
Proposed Premium Rate Increases for 2016: The Jury Is Still Out

There’s been some hand-wringing over large proposed premium increases for health plans in 2016. But it’s important to remember that rate requests vary – a lot – by insurer and location. And that these rates are only proposed. They’re subject to regulatory scrutiny, and many proposed hikes may be reduced. In their latest blog post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR experts Sean Miskell and Dave Cusano discuss the drivers of 2016 premiums and states’ role in keeping coverage affordable.
Church Plans and Health Care Sharing Ministries: Different Entities, Different Consumer Protections

A provider association has recently heard from member physician offices about patients enrolled in “church plans” in which preventive services, such as child well visits and immunizations, aren’t covered. What are these church plans and why don’t they have to comply with the Affordable Care Act insurance reforms? CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette has some answers.
Supporting Health Plan Oversight: Consumer Organization Directory for State Regulators

In the wake of formal complaints that insurers are marketing health plans with discriminatory benefit designs, state insurance regulators are under increasing pressure to subject these plans to greater scrutiny. But with limited resources and manpower, states are feeling squeezed. As part of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project to support states with Affordable Care Act implementation, CHIR researchers Kayla Connor and Sally McCarty created a directory of consumer organizations willing to partner with states to conduct plan analyses.
CHIR Expert Sabrina Corlette Testifies before U.S. Senate Roundtable on Small Business Health Care

On July 7 the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee held a roundtable discussion about challenges and opportunities facing the small business health insurance market. CHIR Senior Research Fellow Sabrina Corlette was invited to join the conversation about the SHOP marketplaces, self-funded plans, the change in the definition of the small group market, and more.
Meeting Sustainability Challenges: A Useful Example for Insurance Regulators

State insurance regulators face the challenge of sustaining staffing levels achieved thanks to Affordable Care Act rate review grants. As these grant programs wind down, state officials get some helpful advice in Sally McCarty’s account of how she dealt with a similar challenge when she was Indiana’s insurance commissioner.
King v Burwell: An Exercise in Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing
Changes to the Affordable Care Act’s Health Plan Summaries – and More to Come
Not One, Not Two but Three New Resources from CHIR: Small Business Health Plans in a Post-ACA World

There’s been some renewed attention to the status and future of the small business health insurance market, particularly as an Affordable Care Act reform scheduled to go into effect in 2016 could cause some disruption. Last week CHIR researchers contributed to three great new resources to help policymakers and others understand changes in the market and some of the challenges ahead.