Tag: affordable care act
NAIC Roundup: Catching Up on the Spring Meeting and Looking Ahead
HHS Study Shows Benefits of Shopping and Subsidies, but Costs Still a Concern

With health insurers’ rate filings looming on the horizon, many are concerned we’ll see proposed premium increases for 2017. But a report released last week demonstrates that, behind the headlines, consumers are likely to see more affordable premiums after they’ve shopped for the best deal. At the same time, another study shows that consumers’ out-of-pocket costs for health services are steadily rising. Sean Miskell has the details.
CHIR Expert Testifies Before U.S. House Education & Workforce Committee about Innovations in Health Care

On Thursday, April 14, CHIR’s own Sabrina Corlette testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee. The hearing focused on innovations in employer-sponsored health insurance, and included discussion of workplace wellness programs, private insurance exchanges, and multi-payer delivery system reform efforts.
Post ACA, 3 Communities Respond to a Shifting Health Care Landscape for Newly Insured

There’s no question the ACA has been successful in reducing the number of uninsured. But what has that coverage meant for helping more people obtain affordable health care services and attain financial security? CHIR researchers visited 3 diverse communities to find out. JoAnn Volk reports on a new CHIR study that tells the story.
Missouri’s Health Reform Assisters Triumph In Court

Health reform advocates experienced a win last month, when a federal court in Missouri struck down three sections of a state law that interfered with the ability of health insurance navigators and other in-person assisters to help consumers understand and enroll in new coverage options. CHIR’s own Emily Curran reviewed the court’s decision and provides some takeaways.
15 States and DC Now Prohibit Transgender Insurance Exclusions

Three years ago, only 3 states and DC prohibited insurance companies from excluding care for transgendered individuals from health plans. Today, that number has grown to 15 states, signalling that state policymakers are increasingly recognizing that transgender policy exclusions fly in the face of medical evidence and laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity. Our former CHIR colleague, Katie Keith, shares findings from an assessment of state actions and their impacts.
Repeal of Small Business Provision of the ACA Creates Natural Experiment in States

Congress recently passed legislation allowing states to decide on the shape of the market for small business health insurance. Which states took action, and how? In their latest blog post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers Sabrina Corlette, Ashley Williams and Kevin Lucia share findings from a 50-state review.
President Obama’s Budget Takes State-Level Debates over Surprise Out-of-Network Bills to National Policymakers

President Obama’s 2017 budget includes a new proposal to help protect consumers from unexpected charges by out-of-network providers. In a recent blog post for Health Affairs, Sandy Ahn, Jack Hoadley and Sabrina Corlette discuss the proposal in the context of recent state actions to counter balance billing.
Insurance Company Earnings Calls—A Useful Resource for Your Toolbox

The quarterly earnings calls of publicly traded health insurance companies can provide insights into major business developments, as well as how company executives expect market trends and policy actions to affect future performance. CHIR’s Emily Curran regularly listens into these calls and highlights how they can be useful for health policy wonks.