Tag: ACA repeal
As Insurers Return to ACA Marketplaces, SCOTUS Case Looms Large

The ACA marketplace has seen many disruptions since its implementation but in a sign of greater stability, major insurers are re-entering the marketplace or expanding their footprint. CHIR’s Megan Houston assesses the factors that are driving these insurers’ decisions, just as the ACA faces another challenge from the Supreme Court next month.
Graham-Cassidy 2.0: Taking Insurance Protections Out of the Individual Market

Another day, another version of the Graham-Cassidy bill. This new version makes numerous technical changes that continue to place health care for the roughly 90 million consumers who rely on the individual health insurance market or Medicaid at risk. CHIR expert Dania Palanker outlines how the bill could affect access to affordable coverage for women, people with chronic illness, older people, and others.
Eliminating Essential Health Benefits Will Shift Financial Risk Back to Consumers

In a new article published on The Commonwealth Fund’s To The Point site, CHIR experts Dania Palanker, JoAnn Volk, and Justin Giovannelli look at the individual health insurance market before the Essential Health Benefits and the financial risk consumers will bear if we return to a market without benefit protections.
State Experiences Show Why Repealing the ACA’s Premium Subsidies and Individual Mandate Would Cripple Individual Health Insurance Markets

What will happen if the Affordable Care Act is repealed without a replacement? In their latest article for The Commonwealth Fund, CHIR experts Justin Giovannelli and Kevin Lucia find that it could look a lot like the regulatory landscape that existed in several states that tried to enact health reform in the past. The lessons from those experiences are grim.
Prior to the ACA, Where You Lived Determined How Accessible and Affordable Coverage Would Be

Before the Affordable Care Act, where you lived determined how accessible and affordable coverage would be. In a new primer, we provide a 50-state review of access and affordability requirements before the ACA set a federal floor. This look back shows us the landscape we may return to if the ACA is repealed.