Category: Implementing the Affordable Care Act
Updates on Consumer Assistance: Navigator Grants and Training
Last week was a busy week for those focused on robust consumer assistance in the new health insurance marketplaces. The Department of Health and Human Services announced new navigator grants and released training materials for navigators and other consumer assisters. Sabrina Corlette takes a look at the grantees and dives into the new training modules.
It’s Not Too Late – Options for Employers and Insurers to Limit Out-of-Pocket Costs For Consumers Beginning in 2014
A recent Administration decision allows employers and group health plans to delay an Affordable Care Act requirement capping enrollees out-of-pocket costs. In the second of two blogs examining the decision, David Cusano reviews the rationale for the delay and suggests ways insurers and employers can reduce harm to consumers.
Delay of Certain Cost Sharing Limitations under the Affordable Care Act: What does it Mean?
This week the New York Times reported on an Administration decision to allow employers and group health plans to delay until 2015 an Affordable Care Act requirement to provide enrollees with a cap on their out-of-pocket costs. David Cusano takes a look at what the Administration’s decision says – and does not say – and what it means for group health plans.
A Story of Promise and Peril: OIG’s Review of the new CO-OPs
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General recently examined the progress of the new Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs), created under the ACA. Their report shows that the CO-OPs are mostly meeting key milestones, but also face some tough challenges. Sabrina Corlette takes a closer look.
New Report on State Approaches to Nondiscrimination under the Affordable Care Act
Today, CHIR released a new report exploring how private insurers and state regulators are incorporating and enforcing new nondiscrimination standards under the Affordable Care Act. Katie Keith, one of the report’s authors, has highlights from the report and discusses what the findings mean for these new protections.
Why Should Health Insurance Exchanges Drive Higher-Quality Health Care?
The Affordable Care Act requires the Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) participating in health insurance exchanges to report on quality measures and implement quality improvement strategies. In December, HHS issued a Request for Information Regarding Health Care Quality for Exchanges in preparation for implementing these initiatives. In this blog, Sarah Dash provides a real-life illustration of why these quality improvement efforts are needed.
Shining a Light on Health Insurance: Senate Commerce Committee Examines Progress, Challenges
Health insurance is a complicated product that consumers have difficulty understanding, a common theme throughout Wednesday’s Senate Commerce Committee hearing on “The Power of Transparency: Giving Consumers the Information They Need to Make Smart Choices in the Health Insurance Market.” Fortunately, new tools are already available to help consumers shop for and compare coverage, and more will become available as Affordable Care Act implementation continues to roll out.
What Do You Know About Health Care Sharing Ministries?
Rate Review 2.0: The Next Generation
Last week the Administration released its final rule implementing the ACA's insurance market reforms. Many of these provisions have generated deserved attention for the important protections they'll bring to consumers. Getting less attention, but just as important, are the rule's rate review provisions. Sabrina Corlette takes a look.