Author Archive: CHIR Faculty

States Innovation Waivers under the ACA: A Closer Look at the Updated Federal Guidance and State Proposals

Beginning in 2017, states can pursue “innovation waivers” under section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act. These waivers allow states to pursue broad alternatives or targeted fixes to the ACA. In their latest blog post for the Commonwealth Fund, CHIR researchers Kevin Lucia, Justin Giovannelli, Sean Miskell and Ashley Williams examine the waiver applications that have been submitted so far, as well as activity in states considering a waiver.

Obama Administration Creates a New Special Enrollment Period

This is the first year that the marketplace is denying financial assistance to individuals who failed to file their 2014 tax return and reconcile their premium tax credits. Many of these individuals may not have had to file a tax return previously and cannot afford coverage in 2016 without financial assistance. Therefore, the administration is providing a special enrollment period for these individuals as long as they file a 2014 tax return and reconcile their 2014 premium tax credits before March 31, 2016. CHIR’s Sandy Ahn summarizes this time-limited special enrollment period.

Tax-related Information for Marketplace Consumers

While Old Man Winter barrels down on us with cold and snow, what better time to get your documents together for tax filing season? For marketplace consumers, you’ll need a couple of documents to file your tax return. CHIR’s Sandy Ahn provides some information on what you’ll need.

First Compliance Review Focused on Policies and Procedures, but a Better Approach Exists to Assess Health Plan Compliance

The administration recently published the results of its compliance review of health plans participating in federally facilitated marketplaces. The review, however, focused more on process, such as whether plans have the appropriate policies and procedures in place. While this information is somewhat helpful, CHIR’s Sabrina Corlette and Sandy Ahn discuss why these types of compliance reviews fall short of helping regulators assess whether plans are meeting the ACA’s patient protection standards.

Little Known Provision Keeps Kids From Slipping Through Cracks Due to Differences in Eligibility Rules

For the most part, the ACA tries to align the ways that Medicaid and the health insurance marketplaces determine eligibility for their respective programs. But every once in a while, there’s a risk that someone might fall through the cracks. This initially appeared to be the case when our colleague Tricia Brooks was asked to help with a complex family situation in which a child seemed to be caught between the differences between each program’s rules, putting him at risk of being uninsured. Fortunately, Tricia was able to unearth a little known but important rule that helps kids get the coverage they’re entitled to.

A Look at Proposals for Improving Health Coverage Affordability

Welcome to 2016. With first votes being cast in the 2016 election cycle less than two weeks away and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) promising to unveil an ACA replacement plan to steer the 2016 party agenda, the policy debate on health reform is far from over. We here at CHIR are keeping an eye on reform proposals, and in this post, CHIR’s Hannah Ellison examines various proposals to improve affordability of coverage under the ACA.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.