Author Archive: CHIR Faculty

Factors Affecting Health Insurance Enrollment Through the State Marketplaces: Observations on the ACA’s Third Open Enrollment Period

Despite declining funding, enrollment through the state-based marketplaces increased nearly nine percent during the third open enrollment period. To learn what assistance and outreach strategies were most effective in attracting consumers, we surveyed marketplace officials to gain their unique insights and share major findings in our latest report.

State Legislators Conduct Post-Mortem on Affordable Care Act CO-OPs and Plot Next Steps

State insurance legislators held their national meeting in Portland, Oregon last week, and the demise of 16 health insurance CO-OPs created under the Affordable Care Act was high on the agenda. CHIR’s own Sabrina Corlette was invited to provide legislators with testimony about the CO-OP program’s troubles. Key takeaways from the meeting – and next steps for state policymakers – are provided here.

When Policy Isn’t Put Into Practice: State-Based Marketplaces Fail to Meet Goals of Standardizing Benefit Designs

As the federal insurance marketplace moves forward to standardize health plan benefit designs, what lessons can be learned from the state marketplaces that have had similar policies in place since 2014? A new Georgetown report examines the experiences of four state-based marketplaces and finds they have largely failed to meet their policy goals.

An Evolving Primary Care Model: Nurse Practioners, Physician Assistants are Gaining Autonomy, but Barriers Remain

Sixty million people in the U.S. lack access to primary care services, partly due to a shortage of primary care physicians. Many states are responding to the crisis by expanding the scope of practice of non-MD health professionals, such as nurse practitioners. But insurers’ payment policies and resistance from the medical establishment often limit the effectiveness of those policy changes. CHIR’s legal intern Emma Chapman digs into the current debate.

California Moves Toward Offering Full Price Coverage to Ineligible Immigrants in its Marketplace

California will soon be requesting a waiver from federal officials that would enable the state health insurance marketplace to enroll immigrants who are not lawfully present into coverage. Our colleague at Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families, Sonya Schwartz, takes a look at California’s new law and what it might mean for immigrants and their families.

You Don’t Know Who You Are Dealing With: Unscrupulous Broker Tries to Sell Us Short-Term Health Insurance

An insurance broker called a CHIR faculty member with a shady sales pitch for a short-term health plan. He had no idea who he was dealing with. Sabrina Corlette and JoAnn Volk explore why insurance companies are using short-term policies to cherry pick healthy people away from the Affordable Care Act marketplaces – and why a new Obama Administration rule may help close the loop hole.

Kaiser Family Foundation Survey on Assister Programs Reflects Signs of Progress – and Opportunities for Improvement

Assister programs and brokers play an integral role of navigating consumers through the marketplace enrollment process. Kaiser Family Foundation’s recent survey of these stakeholders indicates these programs will continue to be needed given the knowledge gaps that still exist among consumers and the high proportion of consumers who seek help with renewal. Current legal intern and guest blogger, Emma Chapman (Georgetown JD/MPP, expected 2018), summarizes the main findings of the survey.

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the individual blog post authors and do not represent the views of Georgetown University, the Center on Health Insurance Reforms, any organization that the author is affiliated with, or the opinions of any other author who publishes on this blog.