On April 30, 2021, the U.S. Departments of Health & Huma Services (HHS) and Treasury released the final 2022 Notice of Benefit & Payment Parameters (NBPP), the annual rule governing core provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the operation of the marketplaces, standards for insurers, and the risk adjustment program. This rule finalizes the majority of provisions included in a proposed rule published on November 25, 2020, although several proposals were finalized in a rule published on January 19, 2021.
In her latest Expert Perspective for the State Health & Value Strategies project, Sabrina Corlette reviews provisions of the final rule of particular import to the state-based marketplaces (SBMs) and state insurance regulators. You can access her full article here.
The link to Sabrina Corlette’s article is broken. When I click on it, I get a notice that the site cannot be reached. Perhaps there is a typo in the address underlying the “here” in the above article.
The link should be fixed now. Thank you for calling it to our attention!
Is there another link to Sabrina’s piece? I am receiving an error message
It should be fixed now. Thanks.